Green Coffee Beans
Green Coffee Beans Sustainability Our Green Been Supplier John Burtons Limited in Auckland Supply N.Z. Coffee Roasters since 1985 They make sure that Quality is important & along with Fair Trade in mind Flo-International exists to improve the position of small co-operative growers in coffee-producing countries. It helps bring together farmers to form co-operatives to work together to improve living conditions for workers. Flo has transparency and creditability from growers to the consumers. John Burtons support the idea of sustainability with the growers, offering Fair Trade Organics, Rainforest Alliance & direct relationship sourcing. It is important they understand the requirements of both farmer and roasters.
Fair Trade Strategy
Fair Trade is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Its purpose is to create opportunities for producers who have been economically disadvantaged or marginalized by the conventional trading system.
Transparency and accountability
Fair Trade involves transparent management and commercial relations to deal fairly and respectfully with trading partners.
Capacity building
Fair Trade is a means to develop producers’ independence. Fair Trade relationships provide continuity, during which producers and their marketing organizations can improve their management skills and their access to new markets.
Promoting Fair Trade
Fair Trade Organizations raise awareness of Fair Trade and the possibility of greater justice in world trade. They provide their customers with information about the organization, the products, and in what conditions they are made. They use honest advertising and marketing techniques and aim for the highest standards in product quality and packing John Burtons Limited Supply.
- Brazil Cofarm Fair Trade
- Brazil Rainforest Alliance
- Cascadia Swiss Water Decaf Fair Trade Organic
- Colombian Fair Trade Organic
- Colombian Rainforest Alliance
- Mandheling Gayo Mountain Fair Trade Organic
- Mexican Fair Trade Organic
- Mexican Fair Trade Robusta
- Papua New Guinea Fair Trade Organic
- Peru Fair Trade Organic
- Timor Fair Trade Organic
- Nicaraguan Fair Trade Organic
Payment Of A Fair Price
A fair price in the regional or local context is one that has been agreed through dialogue and participation. It covers not only the costs of production but enables production which is socially just and environmentally sound. It provides fair
pay to the producers and takes into account the principle of equal pay for equal work by women and men. Fair Traders ensure prompt payment to their partners and, whenever possible, help producers with access to pre-harvest or pre-production financing.
Gender Equity
Fair Trade means that women’s work is properly valued and rewarded. Women are always paid for their contribution to the production process and are empowered in their organizations.
Child Labour
Fair Trade Organizations respect the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as local laws and social norms in order to ensure that the participation of children in production processes of fairly traded articles (if any) does not adversely affect their well-being, security, educational requirements and need for play. Organizations working directly with informally organised producers disclose the involvement of children in production.